
About KSSU


KSSU is Sacramento State’s Student Run Radio Station. CSUS has a tradition of student broadcasting dating back to the 1960s. 

KSSU is dedicated to providing CSUS students with a radio-broadcasting learning experience and is run in its entirety by CSUS students. Our goals are to improve campus community involvement and awareness through the dissemination of information and the putting on of original events from Speed Friending to Silent Disco, to provide air-time to involved DJ’s to express their ideas and views, and to provide an outlet for alternative and culturally diverse musical formats not readily available in Sacramento.

KSSU has become the center of opportunity for those who wish to learn and explore the world of broadcast media. This opportunity is not just available for communications majors, but to any student who is looking for an opportunity to express themselves.

Happy birthday KSSU! On September 10, 2021 the station is proud to announce our 30th anniversary!

Learn more about the founding of Sacramento State’s student run station by visiting the KEDG founding website.



“Around the Dial Are you Listening,” David Brumfield, The Hornet- First article about KXPR possibly gaining second frequency and former KERS CSUS student radio in the seventies (shut down in 1974- Professor Roger Walter noted as station faculty advisor).


CSUS President Donald Gerth gives ‘State of the University Address.’ Jim Bolt asks Gerth why there is currently no student run radio station on the campus.

Dec. ‘89

First Associated Broadcasting Club meeting held (50 students attend).


“ASI Backs Student Radio,” The Hornet- Published ASI resolution showing support, and demand for student-run radio.


“No Student Radio Station – No Fair,” The Hornet- Opinion piece touting the benefits of student-run radio (educational tool, music format variety, CSU community relevance, etc.).


The Associated Broadcasting Club is approved to become an official CSUS Campus Organization. Linda Rhodes, from the Communication Studies Department, becomes the club’s faculty advisor.


The first Music Madness Marathon kicks off at 10:00 AM on the South Lawn of the University Union.


“Gerth,” The Hornet- CSUS President Donald Gerth gave an interview to The Hornet. He states that ‘I think students ought to have a radio station. And I am probably going to say to some of our people in the fairly near future, let’s go get a student radio station.’


“New semester brings campus radio to CSUS,” Rachel Orvino, The Hornet. Student-run radio carrier-current to be up and running by spring 1990. Studios are to be on second floor of library. The funding for the station will come from university funds. The transmission system will cost $9,625. ABC members have started radio training courses at Access Sacramento and will begin broadcasting on Access Cable Channel 63. Jim Bolt states that he wants the station to be as ’slick and professional’ as possible.


2nd Annual 24 Hour Music Madness Marathon Promotional Flyer and Music Schedule- Flyer highlights guest D.J.’s from dance clubs Metro, Cattle Club, Panic, Beat Gallery and Industrial Division. Local band acoustic sets, specialty shows, and music giveaways are also highlighted. The event also involves a food and clothing drive for Loaves and Fishes and the Salvation Army.


“Student radio no longer myth as KEDG hits airwaves,” Michael Piple Jr., The Hornet- Article announces the start of KEDG broadcasting on campus. The station began broadcasting on Tuesday, September 10th, 1991 on 530 AM. The signal could be received in the residence halls, Dining Commons, and the residence halls parking lot. The EDGE (KEDG) broadcasts alternative rock and specialty shows that include hardcore punk, heavy metal, and industrial dance music. “The 26 disc jockeys provide CSUS with radio unavailable anywhere else in Sacramento.” Disc Jockeys on the schedule include Dave Biondi, Karen Misener, Pat Varney, Dan Reynoso, Jim Bolt, Mickie Priest, Dave Leon, Larry Salizar, Shari Haskel, and Andy Spackman.​


KEDG STATION BY-LAWS 1991- By-laws outline station management structure, roles and responsibilities, and station policies.


KSSU Logo Stationary- Official KSSU (formerly KEDG) stationary with 89.7 FM frequency and contact information. KEDG changes call letters to KSSU.


KSSU becomes one of the first college stations to stream online at www.kssu.com


2009 was a banner year for KSSU as we were not only a finalist for MTVU’s College Station of the Year, but KSSU was also recognized as Station of the Year, Student Run Station of the Year, Best Community Resource, Best Use of Limited Resources (for the third straight year) by the “College Music Journal’


Become a KSSU DJ!

KSSU is entirely student run and new volunteer DJs are accepted every semester


DJ & PA Services

KSSU is available for DJ and PA services at your next event!

On and off-campus organizations can hire KSSU to provide music and/or a PA system at their event. KSSU is a program of Associated Students Inc. (ASI) at Sacramento State. 

Book KSSU Here

All Sac State campus departments and organizations are charged the standard rate. On-campus departments and organizations are responsible for securing their own sound permit through the department of Student Organizations & Leadership (SOAL) prior to contacting KSSU about providing on-campus DJ & PA services.



Prospective Underwriter,

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Sacramento State’s student run radio KSSU. Your donation will allows one of the largest student volunteer organizations on campus to continue to serve the CSUS community as well as provide Sacramento with an alternative to commercial radio.


Contact Us

Studio & Office Location:
Room 1240, The University Union at Sac State
ASI Student Engagement & Outreach (SEO)

Office Phone: (916)278-3343

Studio Request & Call-In Line: (916)278-3666

General Information & Requestsmanager@kssu.com

Mailing Address:
KSSU Radio
c/o Associated Students, Inc.
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6011